Transparency and Anti-Corruption

This program aims to create a transparent and fair marketplace by combating corruption in both the public and private sectors. It focuses on exposing and addressing corrupt practices that affect consumers, such as bribery, fraud, and regulatory capture. The program also works to empower consumers to demand transparency and accountability from businesses and governments.


To promote transparency in business and government practices, fighting corruption that harms consumer interests.

Key Activities:

  • Whistleblower Support: Providing channels for consumers and employees to report corruption anonymously.
  • Transparency Campaigns: Raising public awareness about the importance of transparency in business and government.
  • Advocacy for Stronger Laws: Pushing for stricter anti-corruption laws and better enforcement.
  • Collaboration with Anti-Corruption Bodies: Working with anti-corruption agencies to investigate and address corruption that impacts consumers.

Africa Consumer Rights Watch is a unified entity committed to serving and advocating for consumers across the continent, ensuring their rights are protected and their voices are heard.

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